Friday, November 28, 2008


It's supposed to get near freezing tonight so I had to dump out the fish tank on the back porch and put the outside goldfish in with the rest of my tropical fish. They should be ok but the goldfish are such bullies. I bought them originally to balance the PH of the tank so I wouldn't lose any other fish. Goldfish are nearly impossible to kill. That turned out to be a bit of a problem because now I keep another tank for the goldfish which are still alive after a year. Now I don't really know what to do with them. I know they're feeder goldfish which normally don't live but I can't bring myself kill them or just let them die. They're too small to eat anyway. I don't want to let them loose in the nearby holding pond because there is every possibility they could get into the wild and procreate. It's tempting to let them loose in the lake at a nearby park where people might appreciate them, but then again people might really not appreciate that. What do you do with unwanted fish? I understand this is the same dilemma faced by alligator owners, and probably the reason it is said there are alligators in the New York sewers. So next time you're thinking of buying goldfish or baby alligators, make sure you know what you are going to do with them for the rest of their lives.

1 comment:

Jerr Dunlap said...

Find yourself an alligator owner, of course! I'm glad to hear you speak of the problems of invasive species and take ownership.
- Jerr